Last Updated: Nov 30, 2022 - 1:33:32 PM |
The Strange Mechanics of Fire Ant Rafts
When it rains, fire ants can navigate floods and flowing water by morphing into a floating raft. It’s the same principle that sticks Cheerios together in your cereal bowl.
Sep 20, 2022 - 3:33:27 PM
Climate Change Signatures in South Asia
Climate change occurs through variations in water and temperature. Sea level rise, epochal floods, melting glaciers, lake bursts, droughts and heat waves are signs of climate change. The triple digit heatwaves and triple dip La Nina rave events now happening in 21st century.
Sep 2, 2022 - 10:37:42 AM
The frontrunners in the trillion-dollar race for limitless fusion power
Nuclear, believe it or not, is booming again. And with a serious pile of private and public funding behind them, these companies say they’re even getting closer to fusion.
Aug 23, 2022 - 10:44:22 AM
Here’s the Whole Transcript of That Leaked Steve Bannon Tape, Annotated
Disclosing Trump’s plans to falsely claim victory was just the tart
Aug 20, 2022 - 1:00:16 PM
Why did Russia help the United States during the Civil War?
The arrival of Russian warships in North American ports at precisely the moment Abraham Lincoln needed help in the war against the Confederacy was perceived by Americans as a gesture of genuine support. How did Russia benefit from this move?
Aug 11, 2022 - 10:59:32 AM
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